Communicate well

Poor communication skills can damage all relationships, personal and/or professional. Examples include not being able to put into words what we want to say, or our partner speaks but we do not fully listen, we stare in silence, we use disparaging words, cannot assert our selves, and are often guilty of misinterpretation
Poor communication skills can damage all relationships, personal and/or professional. Examples include not being able to put into words what we want to say, or our partner speaks but we do not fully listen, we stare in silence, we use disparaging words, cannot assert our selves, and are often guilty of misinterpretation

Constructing messages and sharing meanings more effectively

Be clear and specific about communication goals. Determine the character of your audience and address it appropriately, dwelling on what it is about. Articulate your message in a brief, concise and clear way that stresses why the issue is important, who is responsible, and what actions should be undertaken. Use language that speaks properly to the audience. Be prepared with anecdotes or stories to elaborate on certain points, as well as images to further illustrate a situation.
Be aware of communication barriers
Communication barriers includes differences in perception, incorrect filtering (intermediaries such as secretaries, answering machines), language problems, poor listening, different emotional states, differing backgrounds such as age, education, gender social status, economic position cultural upbringing, religious and political belief.
Be clear and specific about communication goals. Determine the character of your audience and address it appropriately, dwelling on what it is about. Articulate your message in a brief, concise and clear way that stresses why the issue is important, who is responsible, and what actions should be undertaken. Use language that speaks properly to the audience. Be prepared with anecdotes or stories to elaborate on certain points, as well as images to further illustrate a situation.
Be aware of communication barriers
Communication barriers includes differences in perception, incorrect filtering (intermediaries such as secretaries, answering machines), language problems, poor listening, different emotional states, differing backgrounds such as age, education, gender social status, economic position cultural upbringing, religious and political belief.

Be an Active Listener

Active Listener is being able to focus on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one on one, in order to understand what she/he is saying. As a listener, you are able to repeat what another is saying with complete understanding. Follow and understand the speaker as if you were walking in his shoes.
Active Listener is being able to focus on who you are listening to, whether in a group or one on one, in order to understand what she/he is saying. As a listener, you are able to repeat what another is saying with complete understanding. Follow and understand the speaker as if you were walking in his shoes.

Be assertive

Assertiveness in communication is the ability to express your opinions, feelings and ideas without any anxiety or stress, but with a sense of confidence, without appearing like a bully or being submissive. Assertive communication can include: Standing up straight, using strong “I” statements, citing facts and preparing your point until it gets across. Assertiveness is important.
Assertiveness in communication is the ability to express your opinions, feelings and ideas without any anxiety or stress, but with a sense of confidence, without appearing like a bully or being submissive. Assertive communication can include: Standing up straight, using strong “I” statements, citing facts and preparing your point until it gets across. Assertiveness is important.

Incorporate new Vocabulary Into business Communications

Everyday people judge by the way you choose your words correctly. Whether they agree with you or not, whether they believe it is true or not., what you express says a lot about your intelligence, education and status Nothing makes a stronger and lasting impression than a strong command of Language. A powerful vocabulary can mean professional success that can motivate and influence others
Everyday people judge by the way you choose your words correctly. Whether they agree with you or not, whether they believe it is true or not., what you express says a lot about your intelligence, education and status Nothing makes a stronger and lasting impression than a strong command of Language. A powerful vocabulary can mean professional success that can motivate and influence others
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